Animal Locomotion Plate 729 (1887) by Eadweard Muybridge. Original public domain image from The Minneapolis Institute of… Image from public domain license Barbariae et Guineae maritimi à freto Gibraltar ad fluvium Gambiae cum Insulis Salfis Flandrisis et Canaricis … Image from public domain licenseA Prowling Tiger (1800) watercolor art by Elizabeth Pringle. Original public domain image from Yale Center for British Art.… Image from public domain license America, siue, India Nova : ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui vniversalis imitationem in compendium redacta … Image from public domain license Mappa totius mundi : adornata juxta observationes dnn. academiae regalis scientiarum et nonnullorum aliorum… Image from public domain licenseA Common Indian Nightjar (Caprimulgus asiaticus), ca. 1780 Image from public domain licenseNarasimha, the lion-headed avatar of Vishnu, emerges from a stone pillar to destroy the demon Hiranyakashipu watched by… Image from public domain licenseA Hindu raja on a black horse. Painting by an Indian artist, 1800s. Image from public domain licenseA man riding a mule, his whip raised, another mule loaded with grass alongside, from a group of drawings depicting Peruvian… Image from public domain licenseSiva, standing on a lingum, which is worshipped by a woman, defeats a demon on an ox. Painting by an Indian artist, 1800s. Image from public domain licenseA Hindu ascetic is bathed and honoured by a seven women and Krishna. Chromolithograph by an Indian artist, 1800s. Image from public domain licensePortrait of the Marquesa de Santiago by Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes Francisco de Goya Image from public domain license L'Amerique Meridionale : dressée sur les observations de Mrs. de L'Academie Royale des Sciences & quelques… Image from public domain license Africæ, described, the manners of their habits and buildings, newly done into English Image from public domain licenseE-12: English Drawing Room of the Georgian Period, c. 1800 by Narcissa Niblack Thorne (Designer) Image from public domain license Amerique septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties : ou sont distingués les uns des autres les etats… Image from public domain licenseA seated Indian woman looks at her pocket watch, with a book on her knee. Chromolithograph by an Indian artist,1800s. Image from public domain license A pocket companion of Ireland : containing all the cities, market towns, boroughs, all ye great roads, and… Image from public domain licenseThe Angel Appearing to Zacharias by William Blake. Original public domain image from The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image from public domain license Diversi globi terr-aquei statione variante et visu intercedente, per coluros tropicorum, per ambos polos et… Image from public domain license Carta universal en que se contiene todo lo que del mundo se ha descubierto fasta agora Image from public domain licenseThe Blue Passion Flower, 1800, from Robert John Thornton, 'The Temple of Flora', London, 1799-1812 Image from public domain license Americae mappa generalis : secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicae regulas relationesque recentissimas… Image from public domain license West-Indische paskaert : waer in de graden der breedde over weder zyden vande middellyn wassende soo vergroten… Image from public domain licenseAnimal Locomotion Plate 721 (1887) by Eadweard Muybridge. Original public domain image from The Minneapolis Institute of… Image from public domain licenseThe Jaganath triad. Coloured engraving by an Indian artist, 1800s. Image from public domain licenseArabic characters in two lines in gold and black. Colour woodcut by an Indian artist, late 1800s. Image from public domain licenseDurga defeats the demon army led by Sumbha and Nisumbha. Engraving with colour by an Indian artist, 1800s. Image from public domain licenseAn ibex, a Syrian goat and a chamois antelope. Coloured etching by J. Pass, 31 July 1800. Image from public domain license Novus orbis sive America septentrionalis, divisa per sua regna provinc. et insul : cura et opera Image from public domain license The London directory, or a new & improved plan of London, Westminster, & Southwark : with the adjacent country… Image from public domain licenseThe court of Khusrau Parvīz. Gouache painting by an Indian artist, ca. 1800. Image from public domain license Planiglobii terrestris mappa universalis utrumq hemisphærium orient. et occidentale repræsentans ex IV mappis… Image from public domain license A new map of Africk : shewing its present general divisions cheif cities or towns, rivers, mountain &c. :… Image from public domain license A map of the country adjacent to the north boundary line of the colony of Rhode Island as the same was run by… Image from public domain licenseTwo Hindu ascetics or holy men, one performing self-torture. Gouache painting by an artist of Thanjavur (Tanjore), ca. 1800 . Image from public domain license L'Afrique : dressée sur les relations e nouvelles decouvertes de differens voyageurs, conformes aux… Image from public domain licenseThe costume of China / illustrated by sixty engravings: with explanations in English and French. By George Henry Mason. Image from public domain licenseHuman skeleton with left arm extended: front and back views; below and to the right, dissections of parts of the ear.… Image from public domain license The circa-1893 Cleary Farm barn at the Railroad Town outdoor living-history exhibit, with homes… Image from public domain licenseA baby is bathed while an attendant brings tea to the mother who is reclining on a settee beside a canopied bed ; left, two… Image from public domain licenseHazrat Yusuf (Joseph) is lowered into the well by his jealous brothers. Gouache painting by an Indian artist, ca. 1800. Image from public domain licenseA26: Virginia Dining Room, c. 1800 by Narcissa Niblack Thorne (Designer) Image from public domain licenseRustam rescues Bihzan from the pit, watched by Manizeh. Gouache painting by an Indian artist, ca. 1800. Image from public domain license The circa-1880 Stolley Farm barn at the Railroad Town outdoor living-history exhibit, with homes… Image from public domain licenseThe costume of China / illustrated by sixty engravings: with explanations in English and French. By George Henry Mason. Image from public domain licenseThe costume of China / illustrated by sixty engravings: with explanations in English and French. By George Henry Mason. Image from public domain licenseA tea plantation in China: workers seated on a verandah grade the tea leaves by hand. Gouache, China, 1800/1850. Image from public domain licenseInfanta María Luisa (1782–1824) and Her Son Carlos Luis (1799–1883) Image from public domain licenseSaint Odilia as protector against eye-pain and rat infestation. Coloured etching, ca. 1800. Image from public domain licenseA View of the Bay of Naples, Looking Southwest from the Pizzofalcone towards Capo di Posilippo by Giovanni Battista Lusieri Image from public domain licenseThe Passion of Christ. Coloured roundel with etchings, engravings and watercolours, ca. 1800 . Image from public domain licenseMount Fuji as Seen from Kashiwabara, hand–colored albumen silver print from Japan. Described and Illustrated by the Japanese… Image from public domain licenseThe Bronze Buddha at Kamakura, hand–colored albumen silver print from Japan. Described and Illustrated by the Japanese… Image from public domain licenseNatural joy quote Instagram story template licenseVan Gogh quote Instagram story template license