Car Loan Finance Application Money Concept licenseCamp for migratory agricultural workers at Kings Creek Canning Company, Kings Creek, Maryland. Sourced from the Library of… Image from public domain licenseMigratory agricultural workers at the Little Creek end of the Norfolk-Cape Charles ferry. They are going to Bridgeville… Image from public domain licenseCooking facilities for migratory agricultural workers living in the attic of a potato grading station at Belcross, North… Image from public domain licenseBack of apartment building for permanent farm workers. Yuba City FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers' camp. Yuba… Image from public domain licenseWashington, D.C. Jewal Mazique [i.e. Jewel], worker at the Library of Congress, coming home from work. Sourced from the… Image from public domain licenseTobacco workers. Florence County, South Carolina. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseCar Insurance Policy Form Concept licenseOuthouse for migratory workers at Kings Creek Packing Company, Kings Creek, Maryland. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseConstruction workers in commissary, Shasta Dam, Shasta County, California by Russell Lee Image from public domain licenseNewport News, Virginia. shipyard worker leaving his rural home for the shipyards with his lunch box. Sourced from the… Image from public domain licenseCommission merchant examining produce at fruit warehouse. Chicago, Illinois. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Daughter of a worker at the Pittsburgh Crucible Steel Corporation of Midland… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Workers coming out of the Farrell Birmingham Foundry. Ansonia, Connecticut]. Sourced… Image from public domain licenseRed Cross workers. San Francisco, California. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseMigratory worker at Belcross, North Carolina, grading station preparing supper to be cooked over an open fire. Sourced from… Image from public domain licenseWell casing is drawn out of ground for an adjustment. Ridge well project, Saint Mary's County, Maryland. Sourced from the… Image from public domain licenseAt a rolling machine in the Washington Tinplate Company. Washington, Pennsylvania. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Air raid wardens' meeting in zone nine, Southwest area. Elmer House… Image from public domain licenseGPS Global Position Search Technology Track Concept license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: workers on Newport News Homesteads, Virginia]. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseMigratory agricultural workers having supper at the store in Belcross, North Carolina. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseYoung son of unemployed oil worker sitting on front porch of home. Seminole, Oklahoma by Russell Lee Image from public domain licenseFlorida migratory agricultural workers leaving Old Trap, North Carolina for New Jersey. The truck holds thirty-seven… Image from public domain licenseMigratory agricultural workers on board the "Princess Anne" going to the eastern shore of Virginia. Sourced from the Library… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Planting slash pine. Macon County, Tuskegee Project, Alabama]. Sourced from the… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Hay harvest near Pine Grove Mills, Pennsylvania]. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Two members of threshing crew, central Ohio (see general caption)]. Sourced from the… Image from public domain licenseA dairy barn at Kymulga (about six miles from Childersburg, Alabama) converted into a three-story bunk house to accomodate… Image from public domain licenseStoring corn in ever-normal granary bin. Grundy Center, Iowa. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseMigratory agricultural workers picking beans at seven cents a hundred pounds in a field near Statensville, Delaware. Sourced… Image from public domain licenseProspector pouring dirt which he thinks contains gold in sluice box. The sluice box is so placed that the water of the… Image from public domain licenseHome of WPA (Works Progress Administration/Work Projects Administration) worker. Muskogee County, Oklahoma by Russell Lee Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Migratory agricultural worker waiting at the Little Creek end for the Norfolk-Cape… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Housing for defense workers. Aberdeen, Maryland]. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Chicago, Illinois. Workmen studying blueprints in the Chicago and Northwestern… Image from public domain licenseParris Island, South Carolina. Scene and activities at the U.S. Marine Corps glider detachment training camp. A barrage… Image from public domain license