Johannes de Doper (1485 - 1490) by Meester van het Amsterdamse Kabinet and Meester van het Amsterdamse Kabinet Image from public domain licenseDoop van Christus in de Jordaan (1575) by Cornelis Cort, Francesco Salviati and Laurentius Vacarius Image from public domain licenseTwee zijden van een ivoren blad met reliëfs, voorstellende de doop van Christus en de intocht van Christus in Jeruzalem (c.… Image from public domain licenseSan Augustine, Texas. Reverend Dubberly, the Methodist minister, conducting a baptismal service on Easter Sunday. Sourced… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Preacher reading the lesson and instructions before baptism, San Augustine, Texas] by… Image from public domain licensePreacher reading the lesson and instructions before baptism, San Augustine, Texas by Russell Lee Image from public domain license