Killer whale (Orcinus orca), Short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus), False killer whale (Pseudorca… Image from public domain licenseBrent Goose, from the Game Birds series (N13) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes Brands issued by Allen & Ginter, George S.… Image from public domain licenseSouth Brent, Devon, from Picturesque Selections by James Duffield Harding Image from public domain licenseBrent Goose, from the Game Birds series (N40) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes issued by Allen & Ginter Image from public domain licensePort of Clwyd and South Brent, Devon, from Picturesque Selections by James Duffield Harding Image from public domain licenseLady Fall, Vale of Heath, and Fall on the Brent, from Picturesque Selections by James Duffield Harding Image from public domain licenseSouth Brent, from Picturesque Selections by James Duffield Harding Image from public domain licenseMigrating Pacific lampreyPacific lamprey attach to the viewing window at Bonneville Dam as they migrate up the Columbia… Image from public domain licenseCamas National Wildlife RefugeA pond at Camas NWR with snowcapped mountains in the background. USFWS photo: Brent… Image from public domain licenseCamas National Wildlife RefugeA yellow-headed blackbird on cattails at Camas NWR. USFWS photo: Brent Lawrence Camas National… Image from public domain licenseCamas National Wildlife RefugeA black-billed magpie at Camas NWR. USFWS photo: Brent Lawrence Camas National Wildlife Refuge… Image from public domain licenseCamas National Wildlife RefugeA yellow-headed blackbird on cattails at Camas NWR. USFWS photo: Brent Lawrence Camas National… Image from public domain licenseCamas National Wildlife RefugeA northern shoveler at Camas NWR.USFWS photo: Brent Lawrence Camas National Wildlife Refuge is… Image from public domain licenseCamas National Wildlife RefugeA red-winged blackbird at Camas NWR. USFWS photo: Brent Lawrence Camas National Wildlife… Image from public domain licenseLit from behind, Atlantis is close to touchdown on Runway 33 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, concluding mission STS-115.… Image from public domain licenseCross Country 2022John Payne InviteWashingtonPhotos by Coach Brent EggersOctober 1, 2022 OCHS Cross Country on OCHS website.… Image from public domain licenseCross Country 2022John Payne InviteWashingtonPhotos by Coach Brent EggersOctober 1, 2022 OCHS Cross Country on OCHS website.… Image from public domain licenseCross Country 2022John Payne InviteWashingtonPhotos by Coach Brent EggersOctober 1, 2022 OCHS Cross Country on OCHS website.… Image from public domain licenseCross Country 2022John Payne InviteWashingtonPhotos by Coach Brent EggersOctober 1, 2022 OCHS Cross Country on OCHS website.… Image from public domain licenseCross Country 2022John Payne InviteWashingtonPhotos by Coach Brent EggersOctober 1, 2022 OCHS Cross Country on OCHS website.… Image from public domain licenseCross Country 2022John Payne InviteWashingtonPhotos by Coach Brent EggersOctober 1, 2022 OCHS Cross Country on OCHS website.… Image from public domain licenseA view of Varileaf cinquefoil (potentilla diversifolia) and sticky Jacob's Ladder (polemonium visosum) along Humphreys Trail… Image from public domain license