An injection at the Hôpital Saint-Lazare, Paris. Lithograph by E. Pirodon after J.R. Story. Image from public domain licenseJacob is taken to the cave in the field of Machpelah by a mournful procession; he wants to die in the spot bought by… Image from public domain licenseMars [Ares]. Engraving by G. van der Gucht after L. Cheron after L. Carracci. Image from public domain licenseMoses speaks to his people in the land of the Moab, in the fortieth year of Exodus. Etching by C. Mosley, 1747, after A.… Image from public domain licenseA portrait of Peter Paul Rubens, in a roundel, on a pedestal, being unveiled by Fame at the command of Minerva, as a putto… Image from public domain licenseA bacchanalian gathering with leopards pulling a chariot and Silenus on a donkey. Engraving by N.D. Beauvais after L.… Image from public domain licenseJohn Breval acting as tutor to George 3rd Earl of Cholmondeley on the Grand Tour introduces him to a statue of Diana; a… Image from public domain licensePhilippe Hecquet. Line engraving by J. Daullé, 1742, after Marie-Anne Chéron, Mme. Belle. Image from public domain licenseAlexander de Grote in een veldslag (1715) by Nicolas Henri Tardieu, Elisabeth Sophie Chéron and Lodewijk XIV koning van… Image from public domain licenseAn oval cartouche containing a dedication to Dr Richard Mead. Engraving by G. Vandergucht, 17--. Image from public domain license