Side View of the First Carriage (1686) of Lord Castelmaine Built in 1686 by Andrea Cornely after Ciro Ferri, 1687-1700 Image from public domain licenseStage Design, Fortified Castle Interior for "Ciro in Babilonia" by Gioachino Rossini, La Scala, Milan, 1818, "Prigione… Image from public domain licenseRear View of the First Carriage of Lord Catelmaine Built in 1686 by Andrea Cornely after Ciro Ferri (1634-1689) Image from public domain licenseEstados Unidos presente en la 35a. edición de la Patria GauchaEstados Unidos dijo presente en la fiesta folclórica más… Image from public domain licenseEstados Unidos presente en la 35a. edición de la Patria GauchaEstados Unidos dijo presente en la fiesta folclórica más… Image from public domain licenseEstados Unidos presente en la 35a. edición de la Patria GauchaEstados Unidos dijo presente en la fiesta folclórica más… Image from public domain licenseEstados Unidos presente en la 35a. edición de la Patria GauchaEstados Unidos dijo presente en la fiesta folclórica más… Image from public domain licenseEstados Unidos presente en la 35a. edición de la Patria GauchaEstados Unidos dijo presente en la fiesta folclórica más… Image from public domain license'Victory of Alexander Over Darius', sculpture, painted wax relief, Italian XVIIc cat. card dims 17-1/2', stored lying down..… Image from public domain licenseHemelvaart van Christus (1656 - 1692) by Cornelis Bloemaert II and Ciro Ferri Image from public domain licensePaul tells the people of Greece about the last judgement; some mock and others believe. Engraving by C. Bloemaert, 1679… Image from public domain licenseThe fugitive holy family board a barge. Aquatint with etching after C. Ferri. Image from public domain licenseSaint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Saint Dominic Guzman with Saint Catherine of Siena. Colour etching… Image from public domain licenseNoah getting animals and men into the ark. Etching by Ciro Tipaldi. Image from public domain licenseMinerva op haar strijdwagen (1649 - 1681) by François Spierre and Ciro Ferri Image from public domain licenseKruisiging van Christus (1656 - 1692) by Cornelis Bloemaert II and Ciro Ferri Image from public domain licenseThe Madonna and Child in Glory Appearing to a Kneeling Young Man by Ciro Ferri Image from public domain licenseUnidentified Biblical Scene (recto); Sketches (verso) by Ciro Ferri Image from public domain licenseDe genezing van een lamme door een heilige monnik (1644 - 1689) by Ciro Ferri Image from public domain licenseSaint Francis Xavier: he intercedes for plague patients in Mannar Island and Japan. Engraving by F. de Louvemont after P.… Image from public domain licenseKoning Numa ontvangt het heilige schild (1655 - 1699) by Jean Louis Roullet, Pietro Locatelli, Ciro Ferri, Adolphe Bernard L… Image from public domain licenseSpandrel with Rape of Orytheia Flanked by Hercules and Omphale by Ciro Ferri Image from public domain license