The Grecian Chapel built on the spot where Columbus first said mass. [Cuba] by George N Barnard, Edward and Henry T Anthony… Image from public domain licenseLooking up Broadway from the corner of Canal St. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseChatham Square, Looking Up the Bowery. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseLooking down Broadway, from corner of Chambers St. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseLafayette Place, from Great Jones St. New York. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseTravels in various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa / By Edward Daniel Clarke. Image from public domain licenseAn Instantaneous View. The Calle de Oreilly. by George N Barnard, Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co and Kuhns Image from public domain licenseOld St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark: inside the first courtyard. Engraving by T. Higham after T. H. Shepherd. Image from public domain licenseBroadway near Metropolitan Hotel, N.Y. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licensePalace of the Conde de Santovenia. by George N Barnard, Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co and Kuhns Image from public domain licenseThe Fish Market at Havana from the Calle de Tacon, with the Cathedral of Columbus in the distance. by George N Barnard… Image from public domain licenseOld St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark: inside the first courtyard. Engraving. Image from public domain licenseThe old Stuyvesant Pear Tree, corner 3d Avenue and 13th St. [New York City] by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. Some of the crowd at Madison Square on D-day. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseChurch of the "The Cross," at Medellin. ["New Granada," South America.] by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseView of tree-lined street with rock gutter by Edward L Allen Image from public domain licenseThe Merchant Taylor's School, Charterhouse, London: the new buildings. Wood engraving by B. Fleming, 1875. Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. Times Square and vicinity on D-Day. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseLooking up Hudson Street from the corner of Chambers St. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseLooking up Broadway from the corner of Broome St. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. Children's school victory gardens on First Avenue between Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth Streets. Sourced… Image from public domain licenseChrist's Hospital, London: the exterior of the Hall. Engraving by E. J. Roberts, 1816, after J. Whichelo. Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. June 6, 1944. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise at the D-day rally in Madison Square. Sourced from the Library of… Image from public domain licenseNew Swindon Institution and market, Swindon, Yorkshire. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin, 1854, after E. Roberts. Image from public domain licenseSt. Peter's Cath. Church. [Cincinnati, Ohio] by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseInterior of Niblo's Garden on the Morning after the Japanese Ball. by Edward Anthony Image from public domain licenseFront view of the Cathedral where the remains of Columbus are deposited. [Cuba] by George N Barnard, Edward and Henry T… Image from public domain licenseSouth Broad Street, Looking West from Drayton Street. [Savannah, Georgia]. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseOld St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark: inside the first courtyard. Etching by J.-J. Baugean. Image from public domain licenseHoffman House, Broadway and 24th St. [New York City] by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. June 6, 1944. Times Square and vicinity on D-day. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseEdwards' desiccated soups : makes rich gravies, tasty stews and delicious hashes / Fredk. King & Co., Ltd., 3, 4, 5, 6… Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. Children's school victory gardens on First Avenue between Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth Streets. Sourced… Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. June 6, 1944. Noon mass at Saint Vincent de Paul's Church on D-day. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseWood's Theatre. [Cincinnati, Ohio] by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseNew York Stock Exchange, Broad St. [New York City] by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseBoulogne: statue of Edward Jenner outside the Hôtel des Bains. Photograph by A. Sutherland, ca. 1900 . Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. A crowd on D-day in Madison Square. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseInstantaneous View, from the Calle de Obispo looking towards the Plaza. by George N Barnard, Edward and Henry T Anthony and… Image from public domain licenseFrench Views. Pont des Soupirs, a Venise. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseThe Patent Office. [Washington, D.C.] by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseThe Broadway Bridge, including St. Paul's Church and the Astor House. [New York City] by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseRue Royale et Restes des Barricades de 1848 by Hippolyte Bayard Image from public domain licenseView on Broadway, New York City: Reception for the First Japanese Diplomatic Mission to the United States by Edward Anthony Image from public domain license34th Street, from Fifth Avenue, looking West. [New York City] by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. Times Square and vicinity on D-Day. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseThe New Post Office in Course of Erection. [New York City] by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseDhurrumtollah Street from Gate House by John Edward Saché Image from public domain licenseAn Instantaneous View. Looking towards the Plaza from the Dominica. Havana. by George N Barnard, Edward and Henry T Anthony… Image from public domain licenseBridgeport Depot, West Side, and Adams' Express Office. [View on the line of the New York and New Haven Rail Road] by Edward… Image from public domain licenseBroadway - Burst of Sunlight after a Shower. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. A crowd on D-day in Madison Square. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseTunbridge Wells, Kent: important figures of the town. Etching by E.F. Finden. Image from public domain licenseThe Funeral of President Lincoln, New-York, April 25th, 1865. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseEdward Stanton at the Saw and Crown in Lombard Street London : lancet-maker : maketh and selleth all sorts of surgeons… Image from public domain licenseBroadway - Showing the East Side from Duane St., with the Beautiful Marble Buildings Recently Erected. by Edward Anthony Image from public domain licenseRuins in St. Augustine, Florida. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseBroadway from Wall St. North - N.Y. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseThe Hospital for Women, Soho Square. Engraving by J. C. Sawyer after himself. Image from public domain licenseSt Bartholomew's Hospital, London: the library viewed through an archway. Wood engraving by E. Gilks after a photograph by… Image from public domain licenseDock Square, from Fanueil Hall, Boston Mass. by Edward Bierstadt Image from public domain licenseInstantaneous View. Broadway - No. 122. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. June 6, 1944. Two sailors at Times Square on D-day looking at the latest news line on the Times… Image from public domain licenseThe Grecian Chapel built on the spot where Columbus first said Mass. by George N Barnard, Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co… Image from public domain licenseTwo men standing next to a complex wooden apparatus. Process print. Image from public domain licenseAn Instantaneous View. The Calle de Oreilly. [Cuba] by George N Barnard, Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co and Kuhns Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. A crowd on D-day in Madison Square. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseHarvard College, Cambridge, Mass. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseThe Grecian Chapel built on the spot where Columbus first said Mass. [Cuba] by George N Barnard, Edward and Henry T Anthony… Image from public domain licenseWashington Monument, Union Square, New-York. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseWindow Keystone from a Building at 223 W. Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois by Edward Burling Image from public domain licensePark Row from Barnum's Museum - The City Hall Park on the left. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. June 6, 1944. Times Square and vicinity on D-day. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseNew York, New York. A crowd on D-day in Madison Square. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseOld Saint Thomas's Hospital, Southwark: inside the first courtyard. Engraving by W. Elliot after S. Wale. Image from public domain licenseLooking up Broadway, from the corner of Astor Place. by Edward and Henry T Anthony and Co Image from public domain license