Some University of North Carolina students on their campus in Chapel Hill, Orange County, North Carolina, with their weekend… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Orange, Texas. Shipyard worker talking with two friends]. Sourced from the Library of… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Students on steps of building between classes. University of North Carolina, Chapel… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Orange, Texas. Shoppers]. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseOranges at produce market. Pier 29, New York City. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseOfficer Bill Livesay, 25, Madison, New Jersey, (left) who accounts for three and one half enemy planes destroyed. Lieutenant… Image from public domain licenseMrs. Jones, wife of tenant farmer. Near Farrington, Orange County, North Carolina. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain license"One number three with orange juice and coffee. You can't read your own writing, neither can the waiter. Don't worry… Image from public domain license