The human body. A beginner's text-book of anatomy, physiology and hygiene (1884), vintage lungs bone illustration. Original… Image from public domain licenseIdentifier: humanbodybeginne00mart (find matches)Title: The human body. A beginner's text-book of anatomy, physiology and… Image from public domain licensePNG Human lungs anatomy, vintage bone illustration, transparent background. Remixed by rawpixel. licenseA male écorché standing, leaning against a tree, exposing the anatomy of his thorax and his left breast. Woodcut by François… Image from public domain licenseIdentifier: anatomydescripti1887gray (find matches)Title: Anatomy, descriptive and surgicalYear: 1887 (1880s)Authors: Gray… Image from public domain licensePNG Human lungs anatomy, vintage bone illustration, transparent background. Remixed by rawpixel. licenseSpine with thorax and pelvis, profile to left;also bones of a left leg from hip to tip of toe and detail of a knee.(1662?). Image from public domain licenseHuman organs. The skin of a man and woman's chests flayed to expose organs.Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licensePNG human body x ray element set, transparent background licenseAnatomy and botany; top left, dissected head and chest; top right, dissected thorax; centre left, forceps; centre right, man… Image from public domain licenseA pregnant female écorchée figure, standing with one arm raised above her head: the upper plate showing the head, trunk and… Image from public domain licenseScarlet lily beetle png sticker, transparent background licenseMuscles of the thorax and abdomen: écorchés figure. Colour mezzotint by J. F. Gautier d'Agoty after himself, 1745/1746. Image from public domain licenseMadhu Ragaputra, Third Son of Bhairava Raga, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies) Image from public domain licenseTitle: The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiologyIdentifier: cyclopdiaofana01todd (find matches)Year: 1836 (1830s)Authors:… Image from public domain licenseHuman lungs anatomy, vintage bone illustration psd. Remixed by rawpixel. licenseHuman lungs anatomy, vintage bone illustration. Remixed by rawpixel. licenseSkeleton of thorax, pelvis, arms and legs: six figures. Engraving by Francesco Bartolozzi, 1796, after Leonardo da Vinci. Image from public domain licenseMuscles of the thorax and abdomen, with the bones of the ribcage, clavicle and upper arm: écorchés figure. Colour mezzotint… Image from public domain licensehuman body x ray design element set licenseAnatomy and botany: top left, arteries in thorax and abdomen; top right, superior section of the brain; centre left, lateral… Image from public domain licenseThe circulatory system: dissection of the neck and thorax, with the arteries indicated in red and the veins in blue.… Image from public domain licenseDissection of the male thorax and abdomen, showing the internal organs, including the heart, liver, intestines and… Image from public domain licenseDissection of the thorax showing veins and lymphatic vessels. Coloured lithograph by William Fairland, 1837, after W. Bagg… Image from public domain licenseDissection of the thorax and abdomen showing viscera and the aorta. Coloured lithograph by William Fairland, 1837, after J.… Image from public domain licenseÉcorché figure, showing the bones and muscles of the thorax. Black and red chalk drawing, by C. Landseer, ca. 1815. Image from public domain licenseScarlet lily beetle collage element psd licenseThe Superficial Muscles of the Thorax, and the Axilla with its contents Image from public domain licenseThe arteries of the thorax, after Haller. Engraving by Prevost, 1762. Image from public domain licenseA compendious system of anatomy. In six parts. I. Osteology. II. Of the muscles, &c. III. Of the abdomen. IV. Of the thorax.… Image from public domain licenseScarlet lily beetle isolated design licenseThe circulatory system: dissection of the neck, shoulder and thorax of a man, with aorta, arteries and blood vessels… Image from public domain licenseAnatomy: a dissection of the thorax showing the ventricular chambers of the heart. Photograph, ca. 1900. Image from public domain licenseA baby, with thorax and abdomen dissected, attached by umbilical cord to the placenta, with the arteries, blood vessels and… Image from public domain licenseMuscles of upper limbs, thorax, head and neck: six figures. Engraving, 1796. Image from public domain licenseThe thorax and dissected abdomen of a woman. Colour mezzotint by J.-F. Gautier D'Agoty. Image from public domain licenseAnatomy: a dissection of the thorax showing the heart, pericardium, sternum and left lung. Photograph, ca. 1900. Image from public domain licenseDissection of the trunk of a seated white man showing the arteries and blood-vessels supplying the viscera of the thorax and… Image from public domain licenseThe circulatory system: dissection of the neck and thorax of a man, with aorta, arteries and veins indicated in red and… Image from public domain licenseAnatomy: a dissection of the thorax showing the pleural cavity and lung, viewed from the left. Photograph, ca. 1900. Image from public domain licenseAnatomy: a dissection of the thorax showing the heart and pericardium. Photograph, ca. 1900. Image from public domain licenseInternal organs of the thorax and abdomen: two figures. Engraving by T. Milton, 1814. Image from public domain licenseAnatomische studie van de lege borstkas (1685) by Pieter van Gunst, Gerard de Lairesse, weduwe Joannes van Someren and… Image from public domain licenseAnatomy: a dissection of the thorax showing the pleural cavity and lung, viewed from the right. Photograph, ca. 1900. Image from public domain licenseAnatomy and botany; left, half section of human thorax showing arteries and ribs; right, laurel Coloured engraving, 1834… Image from public domain licenseAnatomy, surgery and botany; top, dissected head showing arteries; centre, methods of bandaging the thorax and head; below… Image from public domain licenseAnatomy: dissection of the thorax: the back. Photograph, ca. 1900. Image from public domain licenseAnatomy: a dissection of the thorax: the thorax wall. Photograph, ca. 1900. Image from public domain licenseDissections of the neck, brain and thorax: six figures, with the arteries and blood vessels indicated in red. Coloured… Image from public domain licenseÉcorché cadaver lying supine, with the muscles of the thorax indicated and the back supported by blocks. Black and red chalk… Image from public domain licensePlate III. The surgical dissection of the thorax and the episternal region. Delegation of the primary aortic branches. Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Pneumo-thorax treatment in municipal tuberculosis sanitarium. Mostly es are treated at… Image from public domain licenseThorax and abdomen: a dissection, with blood-vessels and nerves indicated in red and blue. Coloured line engraving by W.H.… Image from public domain license