How Bridget served the POTATOES UNDRESSED. "I'll not take off another STITCH if I lose me JOB". by Carleton H Graves Image from public domain licenseMr. Rauhauser, wife and one of his seven children, Ruthven, Iowa. He works as a farm hand. At present he is out of work. He… Image from public domain licenseJournal des Dames et des Modes, Costume Parisien, 1805, An 13 (602) Coiffure de Grande Parure... (1805) by anonymous and… Image from public domain licenseLa Mode, 1829, Pl. 10 : Bonnet d'Herbault en blond (...) (1829) by anonymous, Émile de Girardin and Charles Lautour Mézeray Image from public domain licenseA young woman dressed in white faints after hearing the predictions of a fortune-teller. Engraving by L.S. L'Empereur after… Image from public domain licenseJournal des Luxus und der Moden, 1796, T 23 (1796) by Georg Melchior Kraus, Georg Melchior Kraus and Friedrich Justin Bertuch Image from public domain licenseLe Follet Courrier des Salons, 1836, No. 783: Capote en crèp (...) (1836) by anonymous Image from public domain licensePortret van een onbekende vrouw in klederdracht van Zierikzee, Zeeland (1860 - 1890) by Andries Jager and Andries Jager Image from public domain licenseJournal des Dames et des Modes, Costume Parisien, 10 octobre 1818, (1765): Chapeau de Gros de Naples (...) (1818) by… Image from public domain licenseJournal des Luxus und der Moden, 1794, T 17 (1794) by Georg Melchior Kraus, Georg Melchior Kraus and Friedrich Justin Bertuch Image from public domain licenseTriomftocht van Christus met figuren uit het Oude en Nieuwe Testament (eerste deel) (1687 - 1694) by Nicolas de Larmessin I… Image from public domain licenseJournal des Luxus und der Moden 1786, Band I, T. 12 (1786) by Friedrich Justin Bertuch and Georg Melchior Kraus Image from public domain licenseAuction followed the dinner at the fiesta of the Holy Ghost. Santa Clara, California. Rather than distributing food to the… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Man in front of his home weeding his lawn on Sunday. Natchitoches, Louisiana]. Sourced… Image from public domain licenseTwee fotoreproducties van tekeningen, voorstellende acteurs in de kleedkamer en een portret van drie acteurs in… Image from public domain licenseWashington, D.C. Flower stand in a parking lot on Connecticut Avenue near Dupont Circle. Sourced from the Library of… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: rehabilitation client, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana]. Sourced from the Library of… Image from public domain licenseA girl returns to her family home in the village where her fine clothes and shoes are burnt by her father and she is given a… Image from public domain licenseLe Ore Casalinghe, ca. 1852 : Mode del Giorno (c. 1852) by anonymous Image from public domain licenseJournal des Jeunes Personnes, janvier 1840 : Robe de mousselin (...) (1840) by anonymous, Jules David 1808 1892 and Pierre… Image from public domain licenseCabinet des Modes ou les Modes Nouvelles, 1 janvier 1786, pl. I Kopie ? (1786 - 1788) by anonymous and Buisson Image from public domain licenseScene from the Stage Show 'South Pacific' (1930-1950) by William Hall Raine. Image from public domain licenseObliteration - The Wedding Eve bonfire and farewell to former affections. by Underwood and Underwood Image from public domain licenseA woman at her toilet, having her hair dressed by a male assistant; a small girl holds her hand, and a man sits next to her;… Image from public domain licenseDeel van de optocht, nr. 30 (1619) by Joannes van Doetechum I, Lucas van Doetechum, Hieronymus Cock and Hendrick Hondius I Image from public domain licenseBerlinisches archiv der Zeit und ihres geschmacks, 1795, VIII.B, I (1795) by anonymous and Rambach and Fessler Meyer Image from public domain licenseManati, Puerto Rico (vicinity). Farm laborer's family living on a sugar plantation. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseMadame de Maintenon, Née en 1635, Morte en 1719, No. 74 (1783 - 1831) by Georges Jacques Gatine, Louis Marie Lanté and… Image from public domain licenseUnidentified woman wearing a striped dress, holding a hat, standing by John Burton and Sons Image from public domain licenseJournal des Dames et des Modes, Costume Parisien, 20 août 1813, (1334): Par-dessus de Perkal (...) (1813) by Pierre Charles… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Roger Dauber, East shore farmer. Dorchester County, Maryland]. Sourced from the… Image from public domain licensePetit Courrier des Dames, 1828, No. 594 : Toque de Blond (...) (1828) by anonymous and Dupré uitgever Image from public domain licenseGroup portrait of women and children by Sir John Joscelyn Coghill Image from public domain licenseLa Mode Illustrée, 1871, No. 24: Toilettes de Mme Fladry (...) (1871) by Huard, Héloïse Leloir Colin and Leroy Image from public domain licenseCorriere delle Dame, mei 1835, No. 31 : Moda di Parigi (1835) by Monogrammist CD graveur Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Family in slum area known as "El Machuelitto," in Ponce, Puerto Rico]. Sourced from… Image from public domain licenseJubilee Singers, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn. [American Missionary Association] by James Wallace Black Image from public domain licenseBritse familie met vier kinderen (1792) by Charles Knight, Thomas Stothard and William Dickinson Image from public domain license40- jarig regeeringsjubileum van H.M. de koningin, Amsterdam, 5 September 1938, aankomst aan het Haarlemmermeerstation… Image from public domain licenseWives of farmers attending Food for Defense meeting of FSA (Farm Security Administration) borrowers at White Plains. Greene… Image from public domain licenseLa Mode, 1830, Pl. 64, T.4: Toilette négligée du matin (...) (1830) by Trueb and Paul Gavarni Image from public domain licenseLadies Monthly Museum, 1798 : Morning Dress for Sep.r 1798 (1798) by anonymous and Verner and Hood Image from public domain licenseJournal des Demoiselles, Franse editie, 1847, 14e année, No. III (1847) by Damours and Léopold Levert Image from public domain licenseThe Lady's Magazine, April 1803 : Paris Dress (1803) by Woodman and Mutlow and Russell Image from public domain licenseLaparotomy operation at the Broca hospital, Paris. Heliogravure by J. Heuse, 1901. Image from public domain licenseSpectators at Shelby County Horse Show and Fair. Shelbyville, Kentucky. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseGroom taking out the wedding ring licenseA young couple have come to be married but the official who is to perform the ceremony seems unprepared. Lithograph by… Image from public domain licenseJournal des Dames et des Modes, editie Frankfurt 25 décembre 1808, Costume Parisien (52) (1808) by anonymous and J P Lemaire Image from public domain licenseReve de jeune fille. - The maid's dream. - Des Madchen's Traum. by S P Christmann Image from public domain licenseJournal des Dames et des Modes, Costume Parisien, 6 novembre 1799, An 8 (169) : Chapeau - Capote (1799) by anonymous and… Image from public domain licenseP[rin]cess de Solms [Marie Studolmine Rattazzi, nee Wyse, 1833 - 1902] by Disdéri and Cie Image from public domain licenseMrs. Grover Cleveland and the Wives of Members of President Grover Cleveland's Cabinet by Frances Benjamin Johnston Image from public domain licenseJournal des Dames et des Demoiselles, 1-9-1894, Nr. 3048 T.C. : Toilettes de Mme Thirion (...) (1894) by Guido Gonin… Image from public domain licenseJournal des Dames et des Modes, Costume Parisien, 5 juillet 1828, (2612): Chapeau de tissu de paille... (1828) by anonymous… Image from public domain licensePetit Courrier des Dames, 1827, No. 465 : Robe de gros de Naples... (1827) by anonymous and Dondey Dupré Image from public domain licenseLa Mode, 1832, Pl. 228, T.2 : Chapeau de paille de riz (...) (1832) by August Delvaux, Louis Marie Lanté, Alfred Xavier du… Image from public domain licenseTwo women playing chess, two other women observing by Alexis Fay Image from public domain licenseLes Modes Parisiennes, 1846, No. 179 : Chapeau et Capot (...) (1846) by Varin, Célestin Deshayes and Aubert and Cie Image from public domain licenseMarthe] Brandes (Diane de Lys - 4e acte by Isidore Alphonse Chalot Image from public domain licenseIndian (mixed blood) family near Pembroke Farms, North Carolina. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseThe Tender Chord. (La Corde Sensible.) by London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company Image from public domain licenseLe Moniteur de la Mode, maart 1850, No. 250 : Toilettes de la Mon St. Laurent (...) (1850) by Jean Baptiste Réville, Jules… Image from public domain licenseJournal des Femmes, 1840-1851, Pl. 1639 (1840 - 1851) by anonymous and Anaïs Colin Toudouze Image from public domain licenseLa Mode Illustrée, 1868, No. 11: Chlamydes Kachmir (1868) by A Bodin, Anaïs Colin Toudouze and Gilquin Image from public domain licenseDaughter of Joseph La Blanc, pictured in First Communion dress. Crowley, Louisiana by Russell Lee Image from public domain licenseLa Belle Assemblée, 1 June 1822, No. 162 : Walking Dress. (1822) by anonymous and G and W Whittaker Image from public domain licenseJournal des Demoiselles, août 1863, 31e année, No. 8 (1863) by anonymous, Joseph and Samuel B Fuller 1856 1862 and Gilquin… Image from public domain licenseWashington, D.C. Home management students at Woodrow Wilson High School giving a demonstration in bedmaking. There is a… Image from public domain licenseNorwegian traditional wedding dress vector licenseJournal des Dames et des Modes, Costume Parisien, 22 septembre 1799, An 7 (159) : Vue de Tivoli (1799) by anonymous and… Image from public domain licensePetit Courrier des Dames, 5 mai 1828, No. 552 : Robe de gros de Naples brodée... (1828) by anonymous and Dondey Dupré Image from public domain licenseLa Mode Miniature, 1872, No. 10 : Machines à coudr (...) (1872) by A Bodin, Jules David 1808 1892, Ad Goubaud et Fils and H… Image from public domain licenseSinging at Sunday school at the community house at the Casa Grande Valley Farms. Pinal County, Arizona by Russell Lee Image from public domain licenseJournal des Dames et des Modes, Costume Parisien, 25 octobre 1823, (2189): Chapeau de paille d'Itali (...) (1823) by… Image from public domain licensePope Pius IX and members of the Papal court. Photograph, 1868. Image from public domain licenseLe Journal des Dames et des Demoiselles, edition Belge, 1865, No. 787 : Toilettes de la Mon Gagelin (...) (1865) by A Bodin… Image from public domain licenseSouthington, Connecticut. The Old Mill is a popular place for young men of Southington to take girlfriends on Saturday… Image from public domain licenseLe Follet, 1852, No. 1744 : Lingeries mais. Chalet Rabier (...) (1852) by anonymous, Anaïs Colin Toudouze and Gerval Image from public domain licensePetit Courrier des Dames, 25 février 1827, No. 451 : Robe de tulle. Des Magasins de la Reine Elisabeth... (1827) by… Image from public domain licenseJournal des Dames et des Demoiselles, 15 Novembre 1872, No. 1072B (1872) by A Bodin, Emile Préval and Ad Goubaud et Fils Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Children of Frederick Oliver, tenant purchase borrower, picking squares in cotton… Image from public domain license